The words of Msgr. Stephen Rossetti.
“I’ve seen more and more cases of people who have this long string of inexplicable financial setbacks
that just don’t make sense.
They’re are good money managers, they’re good financial people, but
they just can’t seem to get their head above water and it’s just one constant mishap after the next.
And finally after a long time they say, ‘this is not normal, something’s going on here.’
I feel like I’ve been cursed – And in fact you may be.
So for many who have bad financial management skill, you should get some training in dealing with finances, and money. But for some people they actually are financially cursed.
We had one case for example, the grandparent was angry at the young couple, she didn’t like them getting married, and she went to a witch and had them cursed and said, ‘you’ll never have anything’ and they don’t.
Another case of a businessman who was a fine businessman, he had lots of money coming through his business but could never seem to get ahead, and the inexplicable things breaking down, strange bells… it’s just unbelievable.
So some of you are financially cursed, so what I would like to do is take you through a prayer to lift these financial curses. I’ll have you say a certain prayer and hen I’ll ratify it as a priest.
Now your prayer, you’re going to invoke your natural law rights over your own property.
You have the right by natural law – God’s Law, to control and to use your finances and property appropriately.
So, we’re going to invoke that natural law, and you’re going to command any demons to leave,
and you’re going to lift any curses.
Then I, as a priest, will invoke the church’s authority, ratify that and cast out any demons.
Now also by the way, in addition to having you lift the curses, we’re going to have you consecrate yourself
and all your property to the Mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary.
Now, for those of you who are not Catholic, you can just simply substitute the word ‘Mary’ with Jesus.
(We Catholics realise when you consecrate things to the Virgin Mary ultimately it’s consecrated to Jesus, she leads us all to Jesus, so Catholics feel free to say Virgin Mary, those who are not Catholic feel free to say Jesus.)
So, let’s pray for a moment in silence.
Okay, repeat after me.
“I invoke the Natural Law rights over my own property and finances. I lift any curses sent against me or my finances. I deliver and consecrate myself to the Virgin Mary (Jesus)
Including all my goods both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my actions, past, present and future.
I ask the Virgin Mary (Jesus) to receive now the full right of disposing of these goods according to God’s holy will.
May (she) cast out all evil spirits, sanctify these goods, protect them from future evil, and use them for the glory of God.”
(and now Msgr. Rossetti ratifies your prayer [not sure this can actually work without asking a priest to say these words in his stead])
“By the authority of my priesthood, I invoke the keys of St. Peter.
And I ratify your breaking of each and every business, financial, property, curse and all curses coming against
you and your family, affecting your livelihood, your property, your finances or any goods or any works.
I witness and ratify your consecration of yourself and all your goods to Mary and thus to Jesus
with that same authority. In Jesus name, I bind any and all evil spirits that may have attached themselves to you or harass you in any way as a result of these curses. And I command them to leave you now, go immediately and directly to the foot of the cross of our Lord Jesus to deal with as he wills. “vade retro me, Satana” Get behind me Satan. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command the demons to leave you now. Father. Son. And Holy Spirit. Amen.
For further information please watch the full video below. Not created by me here at therosaryshop, but a Catholic YouTub’er.